Handel in CFD's op energie

Handel in CFD’s op Energiekoersen zoals Brent olie, WTI en aardgas en diversificeer uw portfolio.

Average execution time
< 13 ms

Up to 7,000 orders executed
per second

Ultra-low latency datacentre


Investeer in enkele van de meest populaire energiekoersen zoals Brent en WTI.

Waarom handelen bij FxPro

Kies uw crypto platform

FxPro MetaTrader 4
FxPro cTrader
FxPro MetaTrader 5
FxPro Edge

Handel in energiekoersen bij FxPro

Begin trading spot energy with FxPro to diversify your portfolio and exploit new trading opportunities. Spot energy can be traded on all our trading platforms including MT4, MT5 and cTrader.

Spot energy is a popular choice for short-term trading, especially at the time when energy consumption increases exponentially across the globe. Feel free to practice trading spot energy on our free demo account before trading on a real account.

A World of Opportunities

Trade CFDs on thousands of instruments across a wide range of asset classes from a single trading account.
