
The table below displays any upcoming Earning reports and Dividends for the Stocks and Indices offered through the FxPro Trading Platforms. We recommend checking the calendar prior to trading such assets, and to monitor for any updates relevant to open positions you may have. You can find an example of the margin requirements during earnings below the table.

Stock earnings calendar Forex


Bij het uitkomen van zakelijke verslagen of andere (zakelijke) verrichtingen op effecten (collectief, de ‘zakelijke aangelegenheid’), kunnen margevereisten voor aandelen en spot indices 5 dagen voor het plaatsvinden van de zakelijke aangelegenheid verhoogd worden en vervolgens van kracht blijven na de zakelijke aangelegenheid, geheel naar beoordeling van FxPro.

The percentages listed below under the margin requirements indicate the required margin based on the volume of shares you are trading.
For example, if Expedia Group Inc have earnings and our margin level requirements are as follows:
0-5k USD @ 12%; 5k-15k @ 20%; 15k-75k @ 50%; >75k @ 75%
This means that for a total shares value (volume) up to 5k USD, the margin will be calculated at 12% and so on…

If the current price per share is $160 and you are trading 150 shares, your exposure is 24,000 (150 shares * 160)
So, the first 5k will be with 12% margin = $600
The next 10k will be with 20% margin = $2000
The remaining 9k will be with 50% margin = $4500
This means your total used margin will be $7100

For shares denominated in other currencies, the value must be converted first into USD using the appropriate current FX exchange rate and then calculated accordingly as above.
Another thing is that we are showing tiers that actually don't apply, because the max exposure is capped , so maybe its better cap the dynamic leverage according to max exposure

Some Examples: 0-5k USD @ 12%; 5k-15k @ 20%; 15k-25k @ 50%; (if Max Exposure 25K)
0-3k USD @ 12%; 3k-10k @ 20%; 10k-15k @ 50%; (if Max Exposure 15K)


Als je een open positie hebt op aandelen of indices aan het begin van de werkdag (Server Time 00:00), die samenvalt met de ex-date van de respectieve onderliggende waarde, wordt er een dividend uitgekeerd (of in rekening gebracht in het geval van shortposities). Voor koopposities is de betaling exclusief eventuele bronbelasting.

Spot Indices Adjustments:

The percentages listed below under the margin requirements indicate the required margin based on the number of Lots you are trading.
For example, if you trade #US30 and our margin level requirements are as follows:

0 - 50 Lots @ 1%,  50 - 100 Lots @ 2%, 100 - 200 Lots @ 4%, 200 - 500 Lots @ 5%, 500 - 1250 @ 6%, 1250 - 2250 @ 10%, 2250 - 3350 @ 16% , 3500< @20% 

It means that for a number of Lots, up to 50, the margin will be calculated at 1% and so on…

For example, for a position of 150 Lots of #USNADAQ100 at the price of 15000 USD , the below dynamic leverage will apply:
The first 50 Lots will be with 1% margin = $7500
The next 50 Lots will be with 2% margin = $15000
The remaining 50 Lots  will be with 4% margin = $30000
This means your total used margin will be $52500

During the affected period, new margin requirements will apply for all new and existing trades. FxPro clients remain fully responsible for monitoring the required margin of their accounts as well as the free margin prior, during and after the affected period. As a result of the above, FxPro clients must understand and accept that this may result in their account(s) incurring a margin call and/or stop out. As you see, it's rather important to stay up to date with the Earnings Calendar.

Let op: De verwachte data van zakelijke aangelegenheden zoals zakelijke financiële verslagen zijn onderhevig aan verandering zonder nadere aankondiging. Tijden/Data op het Inkomstenkalender staan genoteerd in GMT+2, tenzij anders aangegeven.

  *De gepresenteerde waarden worden ontvangen van liquiditeitsaanbieders en zijn onderhevig aan ontbreken van informatie en/of fouten.